
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
#3 Ananto Damm: Bock of Seagulls
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Welcome back to Roots of Creation! Our third chapter features an interview we did with Ananto Damm, who has spent decades with the saga, and was a friend of Ior Bock. His knowledge of the saga is extensive, to say the least, and it's been Ananto's goal to share as much of the saga and his life working with it as he can. He has an incredible youtube channel filled with crucial information and he also runs a German speaking Bock Saga telegram with over a thousand members and growing! We cover a lot of ground here, as per usual, and we hope you gain a deeper perspective with this talk.
We have also contemplated eventually creating a Bock Saga telegram companion to Ananto's, for English speaking people. We will keep you all updated on this if it does indeed come to fruition. Many big things coming in 2022 for all of us, including the 3 of us here at RoC. You may even see a full blown Bock Saga documentary at some point... we shall see. We will give what we can friends.
Ananto Damm:
Telegram - BOCKSAGA - Die Geschichte der Menschheit:
Roots of Creation is
Danunaki Dan, Joakim Haggstrom, and Andy Rouse.
Contact us: rootsofcreation@protonmail.com
ALSO please check out & follow our other shows:
The Deep Share Podcast:
Twitter: @thedeepshare
IG: @thedeepsharepodcast
Rising From The Ashes:
IG: @rftapodcast
Joakim Häggström:

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Michel Merle: Garden of Heathen
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Welcome back to Roots of Creation. Our second episode features Michel Merle, a close friend of the late Ior Bock, and one of the primary messengers of the Bock Saga. In 1984, Ior began educating Michel and a select few others in the alphabet of the Root language, which the saga itself comes out of. Michel is also one of the main storytellers who assisted with the 2017 book, Bock Saga: An Introduction. This book lays a lot of the history from the saga into plain understanding, but to hear Michel speak about the saga is an entirely different experience. The Bock Saga is meant to be told orally, because the Bock Saga is a story about sound. Some of the topics discussed at a broad stroke can be very controversial, but part of what makes the Bock Saga so intriguing is its’ ability to shatter dichotomies, and expose broader understandings of polarizing concepts. Michel was a wonderful guest and we hope to have more opportunities to learn from him in the future.
Contact Roots of Creation:
Listen to the RoC podcast:
RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/rootsofcreation/feed.xml
The Deep Share Podcast:
Twitter: @thedeepshare
IG: @thedeepsharepodcast
Rising From The Ashes:
IG: @rftapodcast
Joakim Häggström:

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Roots of Creation: Taking Roots
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Welcome to the first episode of Roots of Creation. In this intro episode we tell you about what we hope to accomplish with this podcast. You know we are going deep into the Bock Saga!!! We will be bringing on guests that have been very close to the Saga and we will be talking about it and examining it from all angles. In this episode we go over the claims that Bock Saga makes, we go over these claims and try to make sense of them. Hope you all enjoy......get ready!!
Jocke's Youtube:
RoC Email: rootsofcreation@protonmail.com
RoC Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7IO53JCF-4TBth4NvxxYRg
RFTA links:
IG: @rftapodcast
Email: risingftashes@yahoo.com
linktree: http://linktr.ee/risingftashes
Deep Share links:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDeepSharePodcast/
RSS: https://feeds.redcircle.com/df9fe83b-678c-4a21-8aad-ce78e59c75f2
IG: @thedeepsharepodcast
Twitter: @thedeepshare